Rates &
Children must be fever free for 24 hours AND symptoms improving for Covid 19 and any other respiratory illnesses before returning to school.
*A deposit of $550/1st child and $275/each subsequent child is due at the time of registration.
*$50registration fee per child is due upon registration.
Deposits will be held for no more than 6 weeks (for families new to our centers) or 8 weeks (for families with at least one child already attending) past the originally planned start date. Pushing your start date past the 6 or 8 week limit will result in forfeiture of your deposit and requirement of an additional deposit.
*No spot is guaranteed until the deposit and registration fees are paid in full.
*Deposits and registration fees are non-refundable.
Full Time Enrollment:
Infant (6 weeks - to up to 24 months <while at the 1:4 ratio>) $275/week
Toddler (while in 1:7 ratio) $250/week
Preschool (up to 6 yrs) $235/week
*Tuition is billed for weekly rate only.
*A late pick up fee of $25 will be charged up until the 15 minutes late mark. A late pick up fee of $50 will be charged for any pick up more than 15 minutes late. All late fees are due before the next day of attendance. Services will be terminated upon the 3rd late pick up.
Part Time Enrollment:
Infant (6 weeks - to up to 24 months <while at the 1:4 ratio>) $57/day *Jefferson Center Only
Toddler (while in 1:7 ratio) $52/day * Jefferson Center Only
Preschool (up to 6 yrs) $49/day *All Centers
*Part Time Enrollment contracts are for a minimum of 10 weeks. Days of attendance must be established at contract signing and must remain the same for the length of the contract.
*A late pick up fee of $25 will be charged up until the 15 minutes late mark. A late pick up fee of $50 will be charged for any pick up more than 15 minutes late. All late fees are due before the next day of attendance. Services will be terminated upon the 3rd late pick up.
*An additional convenience fee of $10/day will be billed for all added days (uncontracted days that are added on).
Tuition is prebilled weekly or monthly and is due upon receipt of invoice.
All billing and billing related notices are delivered via email. Paper invoices can be delivered upon request.
Payment can be made in one of the following ways:
Cash, check, or money order payments can be made at the centers, using the locked payment boxes. Please use the preprinted envelopes provided at each box.
Credit or debit card payments can be made by following the “pay now” link in your invoice email.
Credit or debit card payments can be made over the phone by calling 218-269-064
Pre-authorized recurring payment (authorization form)
Tuition 2 or more weeks behind is considered past due.
Non-payment will result in termination of services.
Individualized payment plans may be agreed upon with the CFO.
A 2-week notice is required when making schedule changes or leaving the program. Failure to provide a 2-week notice will result in two weeks of tuition charged after the last day of attendance.
UNS is a private non-profit operation.
Accounts left unpaid upon termination of contract will be referred to our collection agency, Range Credit Bureau, Inc.
CFO – Tracy Goulet; 218-269-0641 email@universitynurseryschool.org
University Nursery School does charge regular tuition for the following holidays, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday) Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Memorial Day. Should a holiday fall on a weekend, we will follow the observed Holiday Day. **There may be times where a holiday would fall on a Tuesday or Thursday and the "gap" day could result in a closure, if this is the case, the closure announcement will be made well in advance.
University Nursery School will have two in-service days a year starting in 2021. The days may differ from year to year and are charged regular tuition for the days. 2022 days are Friday, April 15, and Friday, October 21.
After one full year of fulltime attendance, each child will become eligible for 2 weeks per year of unpaid vacation time. Vacation time must be taken in a 1 week increment and vacation requests must be submitted at least two full weeks in advance.(vacation request form) Refunds for sick days are given only if the child is ill for six weeks or more.
Parents should watch for closure/late start notices when an emergency such as the following examples occur:
Snow and/or ice storms
Loss of electricity for more than 2 hours during normal business hours
Loss of running water for more than 2 hours during normal business hours
Loss of heat for more than 2 hours during winter months
State/city officials and /or MNDOT declare a weather emergency which requires people to stay off the roads.
If a closure is to occur, it will be announced on Facebook, WDIO and KBJR by 5:30am. Please plan accordingly as UNS closes when the Duluth School district does. Tuition for these days will not be refunded. In cases of extreme weather when traffic conditions are such that parents are unable to pick up their children, staff will remain with the children in school until such time conditions permit the child to safely get home.
Upon occasion, one or more of our centers may close for one or more days due to circumstances outside our control (Facility closures due to utility work or damage, property work or damage, etc) Tuition for these days will not be refunded.
UNS is open 52 weeks each year, with the exception of the following days: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday AND Friday) Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. If one of these holidays fall on a day your child is normally scheduled to attend, regular tuition will be charged. Observed Holiday Days will be followed should one of the holidays we observe fall on a weekend.